Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you can't be a wildly successful entrepreneur. Read that again and let that truth sink in! You might just have to pursue that avenue in a culturally different way. This will ensure you honor God and receive His blessings in the process!

Business strategy can get you far, but coupled with Biblical principals, your business can go even farther. Contrary to popular belief, the Lord does want you to experience success. By growing and using your faith & trust in the Lord and walking in Biblical integrity, you can be strengthened to fulfill His will for your life.

Today I was reading about the story of Jacob and Esau in the book of Genesis.

While Jacob negotiated for Esau's

birthright and ultimately stole his blessing, I noticed how he honorably worked around difficult circumstances where he was cheated too. Jacob's uncle Laban not only cheated Jacob out of 7 years wages he paid to earn Rachel as his wife, he also changed and stole his wages 10 different times over the course of over 20 years. Yet Jacob acted honorably as he served. Each time any of his uncle's livestock he had charge over was killed by another animal or was lost or stolen, Jacob took the brunt of that loss instead of incurring it on his uncle. He served well, managed well, and honored God in the process. Not only that, he got creative in breeding his very own flocks despite Laban continually breaking his agreements of Jacob's wages that were to include the the spotted and speckled flock. As a result, Jacob was able to get creative and multiply his livestock into some of the largest, strongest goats in the process, totally surpassing what belonged to Laban. Because God's favor was upon Jacob, he incurred God's blessings and favor upon his life.

Here's an example of how God has worked incredibly in Christian businesses today. Chick-fil-A is a company that seeks to honor God in the way they run their franchise, treat their employees, and serve their customers. They openly display scripture in their restaurants and teach their employees how to honor and value those they serve. It's founder, S. Truett Cathy decided to grow slowly and profitably, selling only chicken sandwiches for 68 years. Many competitors came in and out during their time, but grew too fast and imploded. For context on how the Lord has rewarded the efforts of this company, Chick-fil-A earns a wildly incredible profit. This God-horning brand earns more per restaurant than McDonald's, Subway and Starbucks, combined. As a result of their faithfulness and centered focus to sticking with what works, Chick-fil-A's sales have never gone down over their last 76 years of business.

When I read about this company and others like Hobby Lobby, I instantly wanted to share so many things with you. Here are 10 Ways To Transform Your Christian Business too!

1-Seek the Lord for Your God-Given Passion

2-Let God Be the CEO of Your Business

3-Pursue Your Spiritual Gifts and Learn How to Apply Them to Your Business

4-Keep Your First Ministry First & Determine Your Non-Negotiables

5-Humbly Serve the People In Your Home First, Then Those Touched by Your Business

6-Always Walk in Integrity, Build a Good Name, and Do What's Right

7-Work Hard, Perfect Your Craft, Put Your Hands to the Plow, & Trust God for the Harvest

8-Be Prepared to Grow in GOD'S Timing, Not Your Own

9-Don't Operate From a Place of Greed, Steward Your Money Wisely, & Invest Well

10-Continue to Build Belief in God - It Will Overflow Into Belief for His Will In Your Life & Business!

God is faithful. When you purpose-FULLY partner with Him, work hard in any circumstance, and walk faithfully in His Will, you incur blessing upon blessing in your business.

xx Krista

Krista Juliana

Author, Biblical Business

Mentor, Podcast Host

Hey girl-I'm so glad you're here! My name is Krista Juliana and I'm your biblical business mentor! I love helping women just like you incorporate your faith into how you run your business. Stick around and I'll also teach you how to exit hustle culture and simply all the things! I hope you're blessed by all I share. If you ever need anything, please reach out-I'm only a click away!

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